

Addressing legal challenges in the IT industry demands expertise in the unique aspects of technology. With over two decades of experience in software business and production, we deliver solutions that align with both legal requirements and practical realities.

IT law services


Whether you’re creating IT contracts as a buyer or a seller, a skilled lawyer ensures they are clear, enforceable, and help avoid disputes. We combine our understanding of software production and business with extensive experience in IT contracts to provide tailored solutions.

Artificial intelligence

Our lawyers are highly experienced in AI law, advising companies on the development and implementation of AI services, as well as providing training on AI-related legal matters.


Strong cybersecurity management is essential for success. Our expertise spans cybersecurity agreements, post-breach responses, litigation, and administrative security. We are a trusted partner in building effective cybersecurity strategies.

Data protection

Proactive data protection is essential in today’s digital world. Reson has been supporting clients with data protection challenges for over a decade.

Game industry

For more than 20 years, Reson has worked with game developers, players, and other stakeholders in the games industry to protect their rights and interests.


Blockchain technology presents unique legal considerations, from technical agreements to financial regulations. Reson has extensive experience supporting clients across all aspects of blockchain law.

Open source

With over 20 years of experience in open-source licensing, we help navigate even the most complex issues with confidence and precision.

Ajankohtaista teknologiaoikeudesta

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