Open-source licenses grant the rights to modify, copy, and distribute works. Reson is one of the first legal service providers in Finland to specialize in open-source and its licensing.
We help you design, draft, review, and negotiate matters related to open source licensing. Among other things, our open source services include:
- Licensing and trademark strategies
- Contributor agreements
- Risk assessments
- Staff training sessions
What is open source licensing?
Open source is a licensing model in which the copyright holder of the software grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the computer program. Open source licenses provide the licensee with several freedoms that many commercial closed-source licenses do not allow. Exercising the rights permitted by these licenses requires compliance with the license terms.
What should be taken into account when utilizing open-source software?
Today, software that leverages open-source technology is mainstream in software development. A diligent company:
- understands and utilizes the business potential offered by open source;
- identifies and manages risks related to licenses;
- considers license requirements in its contracts;
- trains and instructs its staff on the use of open source; and
- knows how to be a productive part of the open-source community while adhering to its rules.
Our experience
Reson is a law firm specializing in IT law and software development. Our firm has been a pioneer in open-source legal matters in Finland. Since 2001, we have served companies, developers, associations, public entities, and foundations on issues related to open source. Over more than 20 years, our clients have included companies such as MySQL, Trolltech, and SOT Linux. We have assisted numerous companies in drafting open-source licenses and have authored many articles and books on open licensing.
Our open source licensing services
- License analysis of software compatibility
- Can these licenses be used interchangeably?
- Does the license apply to the changes I make?
- Guidelines for distributing projects that use open source code.
- How should I disclose the software license and the authors of the software?
- How can I use the licensor’s trademark?
- Do the license terms jeopardize my patent?
- How do I make the source code of the work available to the recipient of the software?
- Contribution Agreement
- What rules should govern participation in your project that uses open source code?
- What rights should individuals and companies transfer to the project?
- How to ensure that the transfer happens smoothly?
- How do I ensure and communicate the privacy of contributors?